About Us

RMPUSA is a Florida-based national distributor of recycled rubber products, including rubber mulch for playgrounds or landscaping, rubber playground mats, surface tiles, arena footing. RMPUSA distributes mulch products nationwide by the pallet to retailers, landscapers and consumers including schools, churches and pest control companies.

At RMPUSA we’re excited about recyclable products and here’s why. By using recyclables we not only keep products out of the landfill, but we also give these products a second life. In doing so we are making are a more sustainable environment for ourselves and for future generations.

According to a recent study, more than 80% of Americans say they feel more “green” when they buy products for the home that are made from recycled plastics or other recycled materials. We believe people like being “green” and they like saving this earth. We like to think we help with this through our business.

Our products appeal to those who care not only about quality and safety, but who also want to make our world a better place to live. Approximately 94% of U.S. households now have access to a recycling program that accepts at least one kind of plastic. Like you, we think that’s good news.